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Friday, March 12, 2010

Digital offset Colour Printing

Digital Offset is the new paradigm in todays printing world.It comprises of two terms Digital and Offset.Offset Printing or Planographic printing is an extension of John Gutenberg's Lithography which uses the basic priciple that oil and water never mix.hence the Image areas are made oleophillic or ink loving in nature whereas the non image areas are made hydrophillic or water loving in nature.Hence in conventional offset we prepare a surface for printing creating this demarcation manually or through CtF, CtP or CtCP and print using water and ink in conjunction to have desired output on a substrate.

But Digital offset is different as the surface is prepared digitaly and the ink used is also different.Then why it is not called only Digital Printing. Why it is Digital Offset Printing.
Know all the Faqs in my next post

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